Human Resources, Recruitment and Management Consultancy

Promoting people and organisations in the south of France and beyond.

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About us

A few words to explain who we are

The dynamic energy of the south of France is exceptional: it is an attractive tourist and business destination with a rich cultural and historic heritage, had the first “100% Green” budget in history and has so much more to offer…

It was against this backdrop that we set up Paul-William Castel HR specifically to advise and support local people and organisations in their development, so that they can thrive in the south of France and beyond.
Our range of services has been designed to provide pragmatic solutions to the challenges of growth and, often, to the complex issues faced by companies and the people who work for them.

Similarly qualified and flexible, we are motivated by achieving (and resolving) often difficult missions and projects to the satisfaction of our customers based in the south of France (Biarritz, Toulouse, Aix-en-Provence, Marseille, Avignon, Toulon, Sophia-Antipolis) and Monaco.

The Paul-William Castel HR Consultancy is also a training organisation registered with the DREETS (Regional Directorate for Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity) for the Provence-Alps-Côte d’Azur region.
Cabinet recrutement et ressources humaines Marseille

Our services

Complementary solutions and tools to support your growth

Business organisation consultancy

Support as your company develops


Sourcing, selection and recruitment of rare or premium candidates, middle and high management

Career development consulting

Skills assessment, individual and group career development consulting

Managerial effectiveness

Tailor-made training and conferences on managerial practices and leadership, team building

Augmented HR

Temporary and/or work-share support from experienced HR professionals

International expansion

Duplicating our service offer around the world

Our international operations

Future Manager World is a Global Federated Company. This type of business model originated in the United States, where it is frequently used. This formula has been adopted on a global scale, as a natural and true consequence of global organisation which is constantly (and increasingly) integrated and therefore has joint economic and financial interests. Over the past three years, Future Manager has worked with more than 7,000 customers through all its business units worldwide (data as at 28 February 2023). Depending on their operational capacity, all these customers have been sorted into global customers (representing 23% of the total), international customers (representing 27%) and local customers (representing the remaining 50%).

What we can contribute

Our uniqueness and our differences

01. People and Organisation Development

Our approach to consulting and action is resolutely geared towards growth, improvement and value creation, whatever the scenario.
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02. Tailor-made initiatives

We always take care to fully understand the problem and the requirement so that together we can build the right response that is genuinely useful to you, using the right tools to do the job properly

03. Managing complexity

We really enjoy complex and difficult missions where we can remove the stress and anxiety for our customers, and we take particular care to make sure they are resolved quickly.
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Interventions en local et à l'international | Paul-William Castel

04. Local, national and international operations

We have the capacity to support you beyond your borders, throughout France and around the world. Which also reflects our ability to offer international solutions, if required.

Our values



We act transparently to build lasting links with our professional ecosystem.



We do everything we can to honour the agreements we have made.



We deliver our solutions with results that exceed customer expectations.



We take pleasure in what we do and we share it with those around us.

Our partners

Customer testimonials

Some of our references

Going further

What if we could help you further afield than southern France?
Paul-William Castel is the HR consultancy dedicated to assignments and projects carried out specifically in the south of France. Beyond that, we can support you anywhere in France and internationally thanks to our financial, human and technical connections to Castel HR Group.